
Name: Varun

Shop Nickname: V, Bossman

Role/Position: Owner/Founder

Favourite Strain:

Making me jog through the memory banks with this one! I’ve smoked a lot of weed. I like the classic strains we were getting around the 2010/2011 days, the strains that unfortunately the rec market knows nothing about right now, fav strain award goes to Gods Green Crack, that GGC. This is one where a single gram in your pocket stinks up the entire room, this is the strain that gets you caught for smoking weed back when getting caught was a bad thing. This strain put your entire business on blast, its that real loud!

Honourable mention goes to Strawberry Cheesequake, I’ve only had it once, its rare, but its probably the nicest tasting weed I have ever smoked.

Favourite Stoner Movie:

I’m breaking the rules and picking 2 because they are both equally as good;

Half-Baked!! classic stoner movie, filmed in Toronto, you can recognize an old school Pizza Pizza, and the famous Sam The Record Man sign in the reflection of the windows during the horse scene and there’s tons of other recognizable landmarks, plus its early Dave Chappelle, you can’t go wrong with this pick.

“I wanna talk to Samson!”

How-High!! Another certified classic Method Man and Redman are partially known for their love of weed and this movie from start to finish is packed with laughs and a concept we’ve all thought of: study high, write the test high, get high marks.

Somebody roll me up some of that Ivory!

If I could pick a Super-Power which one and why?:

I have legitimately contemplated this many times. Its a hard choice but I think it would be mind control. Its one of the top 3 ultimate powers, I can basically do anything I want because well I’ve got mind control over anyone and anything. The possibilities are endless, but like Uncle Ben said, with great power comes great responsibility, let me go smoke one before I go all Professor X on y’all. 

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